Fuel Prices to Go Up by 200% if They Sell KPC — Raila Odinga

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Azimio la Umoja coalition leader Raila Odinga has criticized the proposal by the government to sell 11 parastatals in a move meant to generate more revenue.

Mr Raila singled out two companies; Kenya Pipeline Corporation (KPC) and National Oil Corporation saying that their sale would have adverse effects on the economy.
“Now I hear they want to sell parastatals. I recently talked about the oil issues we have in this country… among them oil corporations KPC and National Oil Corporation. If they end up in the hands of private individuals, the price of oil will double a hundred-fold,” Raila said.

The opposition chief says that KPC and National Oil Corporation are strategic investments that should not be sold, under any circumstance.

Raila says that the recent moves by the Kenya Kwanza government are those of “a dying man clasping at straws.”


“From blaming the retired president Uhuru Kenyata to increased taxation, this government has all the markings of failing to deliver on its mandate,” he said.

“They have been blaming Uhuru Kenyatta for their problems and that he left empty coffers, but it’s been one year, something should be happening. The Kenya Kwanza government has failed to deliver on its mandate to the people and that’s why it keeps increasing taxes.”

He was speaking during Kisii Governor Simba Arati’s thanksgiving ceremony held in Kisii.

He also faulted the Kenya Kwanza government terming it as one riddled with corruption and self-serving officials.

“But even if he (Ruto) keeps on increasing taxes, and he has corrupt officials, it will not work, the money will just end up in people’s pockets,” he asserted.

The Kenyatta International Convention Centre (KICC), the Kenya Pipeline Company (KPC) and the New Kenya Cooperative Creameries (KCC), Kenya Literature Bureau (KLB), National Oil Corporation of Kenya (NOCK), Kenya Seed Company Limited (KSC) and Mwea Rice Mills Ltd (MRM), have been marked for privatization, as proposed by the National Treasury and Economic Planning Ministry.

Others include; Western Kenya Rice Mills Ltd (WKRM), New Kenya Cooperative Creameries Limited (NKCC), Numerical Machining Complex Limited (NMC), 35% of Vehicle Manufacturers Limited (KVM) and Rivatex East Africa Limited (REAL).

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