EXCLUSIVE: Siaya Bags KES 37.5 Million in Kenya Devolution Support Program II

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Siaya is among counties set to benefit from KES 1.762 billion Kenya Devolution Support Program II.

Each of the 47 counties will receive KES 37.5 million to run various programs including strategies aimed at boosting own source of revenues.

The four-year program whose implementations kicks off in 2024/2025 would now be facilitated by Governance ad administration department /public service management.

In February, Dr. Samwel Nyaga announced that each of the counties were to receive 36.3 million but there is a slight increment of the funds.


In the first phase of the program, every county will get standard amounts but subsequent grants would be earned as per certain conditions including the audit report opinion.

“In Counties, funds would be released in two cycles. In phase one, each of the 47 counties will receive KES 37.5 million for strengthening institutional structures including County Program steering Committee, County program implementation committees, Technical committees and facilitating projects on the ground.”

Counties must factor the funds in the budget 2024/2025.

“Unqualified or qualified opinion would be one of the key determinants in getting subsequent funding so counties have to use funds prudently,” according to Treasury’s Patrick Mugo.

Counties must put a matching fund for the program and percentage would be decided by the PS devolution.

“We are waiting for the PS’s letter on the matching funds and once it’s out, the communications would reach the assemblies,” said Mugo.

“Let’s not politicise the program, the fund is purely meant for results,and that would be a parameter for the counties to qualify for the subsequent KDSP II fundings.” said Mugo.

Mugo who spoke during the three days KDSP II sensitization workshop asked the Speakers and clerks who shall appear in technical and County Steering Committees to ensure they give MCA’s proper briefing so that they formulate quality laws that would support the program.

“We want to appeal to the Speakers and Clerks to fully brief the MCAs on the program,” said Mugo.

He at the same time regretted that in the first phase of KDSP, low absorption of funds was a key challenges.

Today, Siaya county delegation led by Peter Ligulu were part of the sensitization of KDSP II that ended with drafting of work plan and cash flow plans which are key in the implementation of the program.


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Eric Omwombo

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