Categories: RAMENY PINY

RAMENY PINY: Nyako Orodh Ugenya Nyamin-anega, Pius Omudho Olape Ndong ne North Alego kod Mamoko

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Carol Ogo Nyamin-anega

Rawuoyi moro maraga yande omonjo ma ochadho gi beti nyowuoyo nyako moro mane oorone fare to otamore dhi lime.

Ka luwore gi malingling ma wayudo e oboke moro mar kor nyamridhi (kata gutter-press) jagono nopuodo nyamiyo-no e gwenge mag Ugenya Masat.

Nyakono ma nyinge ochiw kaka Atis Carol mabende ong’ere gi nying mar oledhi ni bringanya sani dende ramo e kar od chieth ma Ukwala.

Rawuoyi ma nyinge ok ochiw nikech nonro mag obila dhi nyime wachore ni wuok e gwenge ma Ligingo e tong’ mar Ugenya gi Busia.

Sangwenya ywago chudo Ka PA madho madafu Mombasa

Kopogore gi mano, jo-kee weche e mbui (social media) mabende ong’ere gi nying mar Sangwenyas koro ywak tweta ka luwore gi tamruok chudo mar miyo moro ma ja-siasa e gwenge mag Gem.

Wachore ni Elizabeth Anyango Nyakathomo mabende olape ndong ne kom mine ma Siaya County sani nie limbe e pinje ma oko, to jago mane omiyo ting mar goyone oporo bende olal Mombasa nam chumbi.

Paul Obimbo mabende itudo gi bedo ja-ting ndai mar Nyakathomo iwacho ni oseloko chudo mag Sangwenyas ema otimo godo kampen e gweng’-gi East Kamagak kucho e piny Kano. Sani dhi dweye angwen nyaka ne gik chulo Sangwenyas.

Miyo moro ma podi tin sani dhoge omoko e gweng’ ma Ulanda, West Alego bang rado rabidhi gi wuon pargi ka timo tim nindruok gi nyadiel.

Wach ma monono osebed kikuodhone miyono to koro wangni nojuko chuore rando kanindore gi nyadiel. Nonro motudore gi wachni nyiso ni rawuoyi-ni ne ohang juko gi dhiang 2018 to osebedo ka odhi nyime timo tim makoch-ni ne chiaye mopogore opogore.

Wachni osebed kipando gi anyuolo jagono mabende koro piny omoko nono ka wuodgi oweyo dhako ma ja nyodo achiel kende to terore gi diek!

Orwenjo Maama Osenindo

Kuyo gi mirima nomako jo-Alego-Usonga kaluwore gi tho mapoya mar Jakom buch siasa mar ODM Party bade ma Siaya migosi John Orwenjo Umidha Maama.

Wachore ni Orwenjo ne otho piny maru ne tich Angwen bang duogo wuok tich Kenya koa India mayande oyudoe thieth. Orwenjo en ja-siasa kendo ja-ohala mongirore e chuny boma ma Siaya.

Achiel kuom jotelo ma osereto oro mos mag kuyo en ja-bura ma Alego-Usonga migosi Samuel Onunga Atandi.

Siaya Gay Movement 

Weche dhi nyime fuon’gore ni Siaya taon nitie Bura motegno mar chwo manindore gi chwo wetegi (gay society). Wachore ni burani oriwo moko kuom jok midewo ahinya e taondni.

Podi wadhi nyime timo nonro e wachni ma bende tudo Srikal mar piny Moro mar wagunda gi chenro mar chiwo kony mar pesa ne joma nie grubni.

Yande machiegnini tulo nomuoch ka jahera adhula mar tim Gor Mahia moro noliedho wach ni ne itemo nind kode kod achiel kuom jogrubni.

Pius Omudho Olape Ndong ne North Alego 

Weche moko bende mawayudo e mesawa mar fwambo gi keyo en ni Pius Omudho mabende itudo gi bendi mar Prince Indah koro oseyangore e lela ni Olape Ndong ne kom alengsi mar North Alego.

Kuom weche moko manyien motudore gi Kaka piny Ringo yo ka-Luo tudri kodwa kendo SAA achiel mokinyi, SAA auchiel modiechieng kod apar gi ariyo ang’ich welo ne weche matuch ka-gi-kacha e gwenge Luo.

Editors note: the photos in the Ugenya beating story are yet-to-be-verified. This Daily Luo update segment RAMENY PINY is a pilot project for the launch of our radio station later this year. The updates come to you everyday at an interval of six hours. ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬ÿÛ C


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