RAMENY PINY: Gavna Orengo Rwako Nyiwende gi Nyasi Maratipo

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Ngeso mokalo weche neliet e dala Gavna ma Siaya migosi James Aggrey Bob Orengo e gweng’ mar Masiro K’Athieno.

Orengo ne rwako nyiwande e dalane bang wuode Michael Orengo donjo e kend kod arus masilili gi nyar lbamba Samantha Luseno.

Michael gi Samantha yande notimo arus manyaluo maonge halo-halo mag yawa masani.


Kata kamano kayande wuon-gi rwako nyawande to negidusore malich miwuoro. Michael nochwado long marateng to kod sat ma-rablu to koni Samantha oling thi e nanga ma dho odiero luongo ni: captivating floral dress with gold accents, complimented by a bold gold necklace and a matching headpiece.

Korka math kod chiemo to notimo newa. Abula moro ti owuok maimuono diel gi salad kae to iboye e tinfoil kas ti kawe oduto iloke mos athola e wi brazier — ne lich ndi!

Welo ne mor sidang!

Nyiwende Orengo oriwo jatend COTU Francis Atwoli mayande ong’ere gi nying oledhi mar shieenzi!

Moko kuom welo midewo ne oriwo Min Piny Ida Odinga, jalup jatend Kom piny ngima mar United Nations, Zainab Hawa Bangura kod Moluor Zipporah Kitony, CS Wycliffe Ambetsa Oparanya, Kimani Ichungwa, jobura mag od Bura gi Alengsi modhuro.

Moko bende noriwo Gavna Gladys Athieno Nyasuna Wanga, Wilberforce Otichillo, Paul Otuoma gi jalup Gavna ma Kisumo Mathews Owili

Kaen gi mor mokalo apima Ajim Wuod Nyamayanga nowacho gi dho-Ngere ni:

Betty and I can’t thank you enough for sparing your valuable time to join us in celebration of our children“.

Onge kiawa ni Glenfiddich ma jahigni Apar gi aboro bende ne oto!

Wuon welo mikayi Betty Kaari Murungi nonyiso lony mamalo kodewo welo te moriwo nyaka sangwenya manopore nono ma ok ogweli.

Ajim gi jaode Betty nigi nyodo abiroyo ma gin: Michael, Bob, Steven, Zeni, Josephine, Lavender, kaachiel gi Lynette Orengo.

Betty, owuon en thuon okil kamaloka mabende ifwenyo gi gorruok ne ratiro mar dhano (human rights defender). Betty nogono en nyamin mayande Gavna ma Meru migosi Kiraitu Murungi.

Malingling mafuong’ore en ni chunye ng’won sidang kendo Ngeso nodwanego jogueng’ ma Masiro K’Athieno gi pelele makech haa!

Mbesruok mar Gladys Wanga kod Rosa Buyu dhi kidho ODM Apart!

Gavna Gladys Wanga nyocha othichore ayanga ka mbesore e weche yuarruok kind Ker William Samoei Ruto kod jalupne Rigathi Gachagua.

Be maa e wang’ayo ma buch ODM onego kaw?

Be lweny kind Ruto gi jalupne otudore gi onagi e yo moro amora?


RIEKO en ni ODM Party yande odonjo e Srikal nyalhodia bang yawa ma Gen Z lalo ngimagi ka gore ne lokruok.

ODM onego oling thi ka girito thuolo moneno e depat mag Srikal mondo gisoye jogi. Yuarruok gi atwara ok dhi mi ODM lwasi mar loch e higa mar 2027.

Walos osiep. Wamakreuru gi onjelo gi atwara marom. Swoto um e lwenje ma ok magwa biro weyowa gi um machwer to dhau podi ok ochako.

Mae Pacha kaka thuon pundit mar weche siasa e Alego-Usonga.

In to pachi en mane e wi wachni?



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