A heartwarming story unfolded in Siaya County as a man named Omollo finally reunited with his biological sister, Winnie Akinyi Karanja, after 25 years of separation. Omollo, who had spent years desperately searching for his sister, recounted how the last conversation with his late mother in 2005 motivated his quest to reconnect with his siblings.
Through a cousin’s help, Omollo learned that Akinyi had been adopted by another family and was residing in Londiani. After initiating communication, the siblings arranged to meet, culminating in an emotional reunion. Omollo expressed immense joy at finally meeting Akinyi, acknowledging the adoptive family for raising her with love and care. “I’m so happy to finally meet my sister after 25 years. She has a family here, and this will always be her home,” he said with gratitude.
Akinyi, equally overjoyed, appreciated her adoptive family for treating her as one of their own, while also embracing the opportunity to reconnect with her roots. Their touching story is a testament to resilience, hope, and the unbreakable bond of family.
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