Siaya Deputy Governor Dr William Oduol Denge on Saturday paid a glowing tribute to the departed youth leader, Jim Achich.
The late Jim Achich. Photo: Twitter
Describing him first as an alumnus at St. Mary’s School, Yala and later as a steadfast friend, Dr. Oduol reminisced over the political accomplishments the two of them had achieved against all odds.
“May the many happy memories that you made together be consolation today and all the days ahead. Farewell and Rest in Peace Achich K’Anduro.
I will tell the world how good you were and thank you always for your unconditional love, loyalty and the support you extended to me,” said DG William Oduol.
The shocking news of the sudden death of Jim Achich on 17th November 2023 has left friends and family with a lot of soul-searching. His struggles with depression are said to have driven him to the verge of alcoholism and in his last days he remained a recluse even when surrounded by great company.
Dr. William Oduol Denge at a past church function. Photo: Twitter
Dr Oduol described Achich as a former Authentic Youth Leader who was a symbolic political player. His memories, he said, will continue to linger inside the hearts of many people for years to come.
Rising from a youth leader, Achich became a point man in the administration of the first Siaya Governor, Cornell Rasanga Amoth and would thereafter remain a key player in the Siaya corridors of power.