With. T. M. Odhiambo
Barely two days following an outburst by Siaya Governor James Orengo against Gem Member of Parliament Elisha Odhiambo Akuba, the latter has broken his silence.
Gem constituency was in the limelight yet again as Siaya Governor James Orengo and his guests held an education fundraiser at Wagai on Saturday.
Obviously, the sudden and unexpected presence of Hon, Elisha Odhiambo, Member of Parliament for Gem, at the function caused jitters, which is not unusual for those who now understand the politics of Gem.
Hon. Elisha Odhiambo remains the darling of the Gem people judging from the reaction of the attendees, when the Governor at the tail end of his speech, refused to allow the MP a minute to say a word. Some political analysts may opine that the Governor was following protocol as the host of the function, others propose that this reaction is due to discomfort that comes with sharing the same platform with the Gem M.P.
Speaking to this writer on phone Monday evening the MP said: “Governor Orengo is full of theatrics and lip-bitting but where I come from that amounts to child play”
Hon. Elisha Odhiambo is an open minded leader with long-term strategic plans to change the way the people of Gem live and work. His approach to politics, separates him from other politicians and party lines, and in the minds of the constituents, remains a trusted leader and defender of their livelihoods. As the people of Gem wait for the disbursement of the approximately 1.2million raised at the event, the question remains whether accountability, or lack of it, will be in the agenda come January 2024.
—Odhiambo T.M