In its 3rd Quarter Report the Ethics and Anti-corruption Commission has recommended a probe of eleven senior officials of the Siaya County Government.
Mr. Hezron Opiyo an Accountant in the Finance Department together with another eleven senior officials are said to have embezzled the funds by breaching procurement rules to award tenders irregularly to private firms.
The officials are further accused of making claims through the use of imprests for training and other public functions which were never held.
Mr. Opiyo was found to have misappropriated KES 18,980,830 which was traced to have passed through his bank account.
Early this year Siaya Deputy Governor Dr William Oduol Denge raised the alarm by claiming that KES 400 million had been stolen through the issuance of dubious imprests. Oduol was almost hounded out of office with the county assembly engineering his Impeachment.
Siaya is among 10 other counties to fall under the scrutiny of the Anti-corruption Czar.