During the burial of Mark Abon’go in Rongo over the weekend several leaders affiliated to the Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) Party made noises castigating the PS for Interior and National Administration Dr. Raymond Omollo.
If one followed the bent of the tirade Omollo was being ostracized not because of anything particular he had done but because he is affiliated politically with the President of the Republic of Kenya Dr. William Samoei Ruto.
Dr Omollo has been subjected to unwarranted scrutiny time and again by politicians who themselves cannot pass muster when put to the same rigorous test.
It is quite disheartening to see that political leaders in Luo Nyanza still judge others by their political or party affiliation, rather than performance. This has been the case for decades since there’s no tangible performance from the same ODM Party lot but perpetual and vibrant politics and politicking.
As a civil servant, Omollo is expected by law to be apolitical.
Those selling the narrative that Raila is fighting Omollo are stocking a nonexistent fire. In the hierarchy of Luo leadership, at this moment, Omollo is rather insignificant.
But if Raila does not call off the ODM political hounds from singing the name of Omollo at every burial then chances are that his stature will rise in the region’s politics. This is the foundation for a massive career in elective politics.
While Raila does not stop ODM Party legislators from drawing salaries from the legislature nobody should pretend that Omollo has committed any cardinal sin by drawing his from the Executive.
It is high time residents of Luo Nyanza prioritize development initiatives over the Party.