Photo-from left County Secretary Joseph Ogutu, Governor James Orengo (center), Health Executive Dr Martin K’Onyango and Health Chief Officer Samuel Owino.
By Eric Omwombo
The County Government of Siaya and KEMRI are yet to sign a memorandum of understanding to pave way for establishment of a Biotech Complex.
The County Government has written a letter to KEMRI Directors requesting them to pick a date within the first week of February 2024, for the MOU signing in regards to the Biotech Complex project.
According to Health Executive Dr Martin K’Onyango, CGS now awaits a feedback from the KEMRI team having requested them to pick a date through a letter dated January 18th, 2024.
“We have concluded the necessary documentations and the acreage of land earmarked for the project is ready in Nyamonye area,” said K’Onyango.
Part of the understanding states that the 80 acres of land set aside for the project will be leased to KEMRI for a period of 20 years.
K’Onyango said that already KEMRI officials have conducted a feasibility study on the demarcated land and found it suitable for the project.
Nyamonye residents have lauded Governor James Aggrey Bob Orengo for availing the land to KEMRI saying the project will expand the Nyamonye business center and offer jobs to the locals.
Bephin Anyango, a villager said hopes for the locals acquiring jobs is revived again. The exit of multi-million rice investor at the Dominion Farms was a big blow to the community and establishment of the research institution will be a great relief to many.
The idea to put up an investment of that magnitude in Yimbo was mooted way back in 2018 by ex-governor Cornel Rasanga Amoth.
It’s the previous County government which purchased the land from the owners.
However, when he took up office Governor Orengo confirmed that the Research Biotec Complex will be built in the Bondo sub-county.
The KEMRI team led by Dr. Abdullahi Ali, the chairman of the institution had a meeting with Governor Orengo.
“Siaya County, having health as one of its key pillars of Nyalore government Manifesto, is availing 100 acres of land in Bondo Sub-County for KEMRI to build a research Biotec Complex,” Orengo announced during his State of the County address.
Orengo noted that KEMRI’s presence in Siaya will spur exponential growth in research and open up employment opportunities to unemployed youth in Siaya County.
KEMRI /CDC already has a Clinical Research Center(CRC) in Siaya town and has been collaborating with the Department of Health in the county for several years.
KEMRI also has a Centre for Global Health Research (CGHR) which is located in Kisumu.
The Kisumu Centre is one of the 15 Research Centres of the Kenya Medical Research Institute (KEMRI).
The Centre is strategically located in Kisumu City, western Kenya region, in an area that is endemic for major infectious diseases.
Since its establishment in 1984, CGHR has been on the world map as the progenitor of ground-breaking research focusing on infectious diseases of medical importance. Specifically, the Centre has carried conducted research on malaria and COVID-19.
The premier research institute also has a Center for Infectious and Parasitic Diseases Control Research (CIPDCR) In Busia.