The long awaited caucus between lawyer Fred Odumo Nying’uro and Kisumu Businesswomen has finally arrived.
The meeting is currently ongoing at the Ahero Multi-purpose Center in Ahero town, Kisumu County.
Evidence from studies on women’s empowerment suggests that when women have a larger role in decision-making, household well-being improves.
Understanding patterns influencing women’s empowerment in rural areas is therefore important.
Wakili has said that studies and surveys have provided data to explore individual and household characteristics associated with women’s empowerment.
He has spoken about links between empowerment and age, education, proximity to a paved road as well as the marketed share of crop production. Age and education are associated with higher empowerment, but equality in education between the spouses is more important than the average level of education.
Remoteness is associated with lower women’s empowerment, as is greater commercial orientation in crop production. This may be due to the fact that men are more involved in cash-crop activities, giving them an advantage through higher income.
One policy implication is that education needs to target both girls and boys, especially in remote areas, putting special focus on girl’s involvement in value added activities.
The women are drawn from small-scale enterprise backgrounds within Kisumu County.
Some are Mama Mboga, some fish vendors and others are breaking out into the world of digital entrepreneurship.
All need capital for startups or to boost continuing businesses. Wakili Fred Odumo Nying’uro has got the solution.
This is a continuing story……..