Wakili Fred Odumo Nying’uro wound up a tight schedule on Saturday by making a stopover at Rabour market where he interacted with Bodaboda riders.
Wakili reminded them that the youth in the informal transport sector make up a crucial component of Kenya’s economy.
“That is why there’s a need for integrity and conforming to legal requirements governing the sector,” said Wakili, adding ” For your safety and your pillion’s safety, wear a helmet. Take out insurance and make sure before you get onto your bike and start taking passengers on that you have a valid riding licence. All these requirements are for your good.”
Wakili also promised to build for the riders a new shade and provide them with 20 plastic chairs to boost their self-help group.
He told the youth that the government has numerous kitties to fund their activities but this will only happen when they come together and look out for one another. He further told the youth that the onus of removing the bad name of Bodaboda riders being perceived as criminals rested upon themselves.
“Your good conduct individually and as a group will speak up and open doors for you.”, he told the riders.
Earlier on Wakili held consultations with the Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) Party officials at Plainsville Hotel in Nyakach.
He then presided over the grand Economic Empowerment of Kisumu women at the Ahero Multi-purpose Center.