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Devoted Gor Mahia fan Jared Otieno Obonyo also known as Jaro Soldier has dissociated himself from a Facebook post attributed to him claiming that Siaya Governor James Aggrey Bob Orengo did not do much during the burial of his late mother Alice Atieno Obonyo.

“It’s my mother who died, not Orengo’s mother”, said Jaro in a heated interview, “The Governor just like my other numerous friends played his part in the burial arrangements for which I remain grateful. My War is Not with Orengo.”

Saying that he doesn’t post politics on his social pages unless it’s supportive of Baba, Jaro clarified that if he wants to make a communication he uses Tik-tok.

“Tik-tok is direct. I talk and people hear my voice. Anything else like creating graphics and posting on political groups that’s the work of young men who are clout chasing!”.


And talking about sharing video clips one remembers the one he shared of his mother’s dying moments. I rather found that in bad taste, but Jaro Soldier is someone who has invented his own brand, and it flows no matter what my prejudices might be.

Jaro said he holds Governor James Orengo in the highest esteem. He also said that he has never turned down any roles offered him by the Siaya County Government. His issue, he clarified is with a senior aide in the Governor’s office.

“I think someone deliberately wants to sour my good relationship with the Siaya Governor. The burial of Mama Alice should not be used as an excuse. Orengo contributed dearly and so did the other people they claim I mentioned. It was never a contest. They donated willingly.”

Jaro said the aide blocked him from accessing the Governor and he had made his grievances known through other means.

“I told the Governor that if he wants to have an impact over Otuom Polo in my locality he should incorporate others and not me alone. I’m not fighting for my wellbeing but for that of my community. Tomorrow if someone asks me you knew Orengo what have you done in your neighborhood I should be able to point out.”

Asked why he is still in Nairobi appearing on the cheerleaders platforms of Gor Mahia FC while he is supposed to be working in Siaya, Jaro laughed and said he is a roving ambassador. “You should try and understand clearly what roles I was assigned by the Governor and whether they require my presence on an eight-to-five office appearance.”

On Saturday night members of a Siaya WhatsApp group attacked the vocal football supporter for claiming: “SC Orengo nojwang’a Ka minwa othoo…… it’s Eliud Owalo who financed nearly everything

They claimed Jaro has an insatiable appetite for money and was dumping Governor Orengo after making new friends in the office of Eliud Owalo.

While Jaro Soldier does not categorically deny that ICT and Digital Economy Cabinet Secretary Eliud Owalo played a central role in the burial of his mother, he nonetheless shies away from laying blame on the Siaya Governor.

“Why should I write that thing partly in Dholuo and partly in English, it is not from me,” said the football fanatic who speaks Dholuo with heavy accents from Gem.

Whoever began the smear campaign is therefore not Jared Otieno Obonyo.


dalanews.co.ke https://g.page/r/CerTmAWCtzj4EBM/review¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬ÿÛ C

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