Wakili Fred Odumo Nying’uro today attended the Seme sub-County Annual Teachers Fun-day at Pap Kadundo Stadium in Seme.
Before the event kicked off Wakili donated 50 crates of bottled mineral water to help the crowd quench their thirst.
Wakili Fred Odumo Nying’uro was formally received on arrival by Mr. Timon Oyucho, a Commissioner at the Teachers Service Commission.
Just like on the World Teacher’s Day, also known as International Teachers’ Day, the fun day was dedicated to honoring and appreciating the contributions of educators in Seme sub-County. The day provided an opportunity to recognize the crucial role that all teachers play.
The educators loosed up with song and merriment as they interacted with each other informally.
All through the message was loud and clear — that they appreciated the concern and effort that Wakili Fred Odumo Nying’uro made to grace the occasion.