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When James Obiero Otare first announced at a funeral that he was the acting Siaya Deputy Governor a sense of incredulity engulfed mourners since buffoonery is also one of his strong traits.

Even our own Junior Oluoch Olwanda thought it was a joke and actually said so, in the same funeral.

Legally, the Governor and his Deputy are tied as a mother to the child at the umbilical cord. Legally CPA Dr. William Oduol Denge is the Deputy Governor of Siaya County and will remain so for the next three and half years with the full protection of the Constitution of Kenya.

Politically, however the Governor enjoys unfettered privileges of appointing whomsoever he deems fit to keep him company in pursuit of his political agenda. These are ex-officio appointments and the beneficiaries serve gratis or on the mercy of the appointing authority.


It appears Siaya Township Ward MCA James Obiero Otare is such an appointee.

Also Read: Siaya’s longest serving politician

We have said it before, in this column, that the Township Ward MCA is a master at crafting controversy and thriving out of crises. We even quoted (ad-verbatim) a former OCS who declined to arrest Otare once he discovered that he purposely foments trouble so that he can be arrested and attract media coverage.

From his days as a Councillor and rise to the office of Mayor and now Member of County Assembly the Honourable James Obiero Otare boasts a wealth in political maneauevres, intrigues and conspiracies. He knows Siaya very well and actually earns the title bestowed upon him by his fans Wuon Siaya.

The Ward he controls hosts the headquarters of Siaya County making him an important cog in administration and governance. Otare also belongs to the noisy Alego-Usonga community that will always make a bidding for the governorship or deputy by some unfathomable rights.

He has the history, tenacity and even money to go for the office of governor. Now that he is engaged in serious networking that is no longer farfetched.

But that’s where the praises end. Now down to the hard tackle — James Obiero Otare is academically deficient. Lately he has taken to reading written speeches in English even confirming more that he has not moved on from his character of buffoonery.

[Take note, however, that Mike Mbuvi Sonko and Ferdinand Waititu became Governors in Kenya with more or less similar certificates that Obiero Otare already holds.]

Whatever he’s driving at here are pertinent lessons that Obiero Otare and other people pretending to hold offices they officially don’t have can benefit from.

When you build in silence, people won’t know what to attack. People will want to know more about you when you talk less about yourself.
People don’t care so much about you. They only care on what you can offer.

The less you share, the less likely people will be in your personal life. You’ll slowly stop caring about people’s opinion on you. You won’t have to seek validation to do what feels right for you.
If everyone is your friend, you’ve a problem. You can’t trust anyone with personal information.

You’ll attract peace into your life. You’ll experience less drama, toxic energy and more time alone. The real flex is being private, staying low-key and telling no one about your life. It’ll be ten-times easier to walk some paths alone to achieve your personal goals.

Privacy teaches you independence and how to connect with people on a deeper level.

Finally everyone leaves. You’ll learn how to be alone and not feel lonely.

We wish you well in your future endeavours.

Eid-al-Fitr Mubarak!


Editorial Wednesday 10 April 2024


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