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ODM Party grassroots elections in Gem Constituency will be conducted in a civil and peaceful manner, Joseph Rading Otieno popularly known as Wang has declared.

Rading said the radicals who are known for fomenting trouble have decamped to other parties and those remaining are resolved to conduct open, free and fair elections.

“Parry grassroots elections will only favour registered ODM Party members. The Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission IEBC does not allow any citizen to belong to two parties. So those elements who have moved to UDA Party should not dare to step in the vicinity of our Party Elections said,” Wang. 

He also said the party organs will be vigilant to monitor any troublemaker, especially if they are former ODM Party members.


Although he has not won any elective post Rading Otieno is a regional household name having participated in ODM activities since 2017.

He’s one of the loyal politicians to ODM and Party Leader Rt.Hon.Raila Odinga.

Gem Constituency is a bedrock of violence during electioneering and the calls from Rading Otieno are timely and well intentioned.

So as not to leave the people guessing Wang added that “Right now in Gem we only have one common enemy known as Elisha [UDA] Akuba.”

Rading Otieno is one of the hopefuls that will be vying for nomination on an ODM Party ticket to face the incumbent Elisha Odhiambo Akuba.

Others are long-serving Siaya Woman Representative Christine Ombaka, Booker and Jalango Midiwo, just to mention a few.


dalanews.co.ke https://g.page/r/CerTmAWCtzj4EBM/review¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬ÿÛ C

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