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A small village in Kisumu County was thrown into chaos after a shocking incident involving a school principal and a local villager.

The confrontation, which erupted over a KCSE (Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education) candidate, ended in violence, leaving the community in fear and disbelief.

The incident occurred on Monday afternoon when a 24-year-old man, known locally as Otieno, clashed with the principal over a female student.

According to eyewitnesses, the dispute quickly escalated from a verbal argument to a physical altercation. In a fit of rage, Otieno brandished a knife and stabbed the principal in the stomach.


Despite being rushed to Jaramogi Oginga Odinga Teaching and Referral Hospital, the principal, whose name has not been disclosed, succumbed to his injuries shortly after arrival.

The tragic death has left the school and the village in mourning, with many struggling to comprehend how a disagreement could lead to such a fatal outcome.

Area chief Alfred Ondola provided more details about the incident, stating that the confrontation began over allegations of inappropriate relations between the principal and the KCSE candidate.

“The argument turned violent when Otieno, unable to control his anger, attacked the principal with a knife,” Ondola said.

Following the stabbing, Otieno fled the scene, leaving the injured principal lying in a pool of blood. Locals who witnessed the attack were able to identify Otieno, and the police have launched a manhunt to apprehend him.

The authorities are using the eyewitness accounts and other leads to track down the suspect.

“The suspect was identified by several residents who were present during the altercation,” Chief Ondola added. “We are confident that with the information we have, we will soon bring him to justice.”

Parents and community members are calling for increased measures to ensure such tragedies do not occur again. The school, meanwhile, is providing counseling services to students and staff affected by the incident.

dalanews.co.ke https://g.page/r/CerTmAWCtzj4EBM/review¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬ÿÛ C

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