The Cabinet Secretary for Agriculture Mithika Linturi this morning during a stakeholder meeting at State House Nairobi said the purported ban on mugoka does not exist.
(Photo) CS Agriculture Mithika Linturi during the meeting at State House, Nairobi on 28 May 2024.
His claims came barely hours after Abdulswamad Sharif Nassir, Governor Mombasa County issued a directive that the sale and consumption of the herb is banned in Mombasa County.
The stakeholders meeting at State House was attended by prominent persons from the Meru and Embu communities who have often argued that mugoka is the only cash-crop from the region and its ban would adversely impact the region. The stakeholders have also been against classification of mugoka as a drug substance.
“I joined the President H.E William Samoei Ruto at State House for a consultative meeting with leaders from Embu County led by Governor Cecily Mbarire, over Mugoka ban by selected Counties. I informed the meeting that the purported ban is null and void,” Mithika Linturi posted on his social media handles after the meeting.
(Photo) President Ruto listens attentively to the proceedings during the meeting on mugoka at State House Nairobi on Tuesday 28 May 2024.
In the meantime, Abdulswamad Sharif Nassir holds that half of youth in rehabilitation within Mombasa County are victims of the addictive mugoka.