GOVERNOR James Orengo has appointed Eng. Collins Juma as the new chairman of Siaya Public Service Board.
He replaces Dr Elijah Achoch who died in April 2023.
The appointment follows a competitively selection process that kicked off in October 11, 2023.
Eng. Juma brings a wealth of experience in the engeneering and public management.
“By profession, he is an engineer from repute and serves Institutional Kenya engineers and he belongs to the institute of engineers. At the international level, he has been involved in his engineering profession,” said Orengo.
Governor Orengo said Juma has headed public institutions and agencies.
‘He is not only a professional engineer but has managed institutions
Juma has consistently been a great leader of outstanding performance.
Over the past years while working in-line with his profession, managed to do presentations and presented papers at various functions and meetings of the National atomic associations.
He has also headed public institutions and agencies so he is not only a professional engineer but managed a public institution.
He is therefore the right person for the job and will take the recruitment board to the next level in its growth ambitions.
“I have no doubt at all that Juma is going to bring new strengths and love into the board,” said Orengo.
Speaker George Okode also confirmed that Juma is picked on merit and he shall bring reforms at the recruitment boards with a view of enhancing service delivery.
“I want to confirm that we stand by the Siaya Public Service Board in their recommendation that saw Juma Picked. We went through his details and vetted him. We found him fit to the bill,” said Okode
Mr Juma who appreciated the executive and assembly wing of government for settling on him saying he won’t let them down.
“I want to take this opportunity to thank the two arms of government for making this process seamless, and transparent. I Think the Public service is very key not only to the national level but also to the County government.
“This is where the Governor and his team will succeed through people in terms of nurturing the Human Resource. We will attempt to strive at making the best out of the situation that we are in,” said Juma.
Juma is confident that he will carry on with the board’s resolutions.