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Siaya Deputy Governor Dr William Oduol Denge has said that lack of dialogue and proper fiscal planning has pushed the country into the Gen Z fix.

In a strongly worded statement criticizing the Financial Bill 2024 Dr. Oduol said Government financial strategists ignored the vital input of a segment of society which can now not be quietened-the youth.

Dr. Oduol questioned whether it required the Parliamentary Finance Committee to have an early morning meeting with the President at State House to weed out sixteen contentious sections of the Bill or just one honest economist.

“If the Government listened to the people in the numerous forums where this Bill was subjected to public participation then we would not be staring at this ogre called Gen Z. Now nobody knows how or where it’s going to bite next,” said Dr. Oduol.


Reiterating his earlier calls for accountability Dr. Oduol said: “the need for accountability cuts across all administrative levels, including the national government.”

“I also condemn the use of excessive and unnecessary force used by security arms of government on a largely peaceful and responsible Gen Z. The loss of lives so far reported and the injuries sustained were avoidable. All levels of government must be held 100% accountable”, said Dr. Oduol.

On Sunday afternoon Ruto confidante and Kapsaret Member of Parliament Oscar Kipchumba Sudi intimated that he had spoken to the president about the need to engage Gen Z in a dialogue.

Meanwhile, a priest of the Anglican Church of Kenya today openly offered apologies on behalf of the church for having failed the youth of this country. The priest was speaking at the Consecration and Enthronement of Rev. Maj. Samson Mburu Gachathi as the 3rd Bishop of ACK Nyahururu Diocese. The function in Nyahururu was attended by President Dr William Samoei Ruto and Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua among other guests.




dalanews.co.ke https://g.page/r/CerTmAWCtzj4EBM/review¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬ÿÛ C

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