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Siaya Governor James Aggrey Bob Orengo has warned the Kenya Kwanza administration that as long as the abduction of youth activists  continue there shall be no peace.

“Abductions, enforced disappearances, arbitrary arrests and prosecutions and extrajudicial killings are characteristic of a repressive state,”said Orengo adding “Security organs are required to respect the Bill of Rights. Nobody thought that these crimes against the people can be committed after Constitution 2010. There will be no silence.”

Lately, the senior counsel has been called upon to make accurate interpretation of the constitution as the government appears hellbent in fighting it’s own citizens . The Illustrious, veteran lawyer has openly criticized the government for playing deaf to calls from the youth leading to an explosion of countrywide anti-tax protests.

Orengo received a heroic welcome as he attended the burial of 12-year-old Kennedy Onyango on Saturday in Narok. Residents claimed to have seen a resurgence of the old spirit of holding institutions accountable and fighting for the rights of Kenyans.


Addressing the gathering in Nyeri at the burial of veteran politician Maina Wanjigi, Orengo said that the irreducible minimum should be for the president to overhaul completely the cabinet and scrape out altogether the Finance Bill 2024. He reminisced about the days when the church was led by honest men like Alexander Kipsang Muge and Dr. David Gitari saying he often took refuge at the centrally placed All Saints Cathedral from being teargassed during demonstrations.

Orengo also hit out at the President for  directing police to use arbitrary force against peacefully demonstrating youth. Orengo now claims the government is committing criminal atrocities against its own people.

Meanwhile, Kenyan Youth have been excited to glean firsthand something of the return of the fiery second liberation hero. Orengo’s reputation as a civil rights activist precedes him across the African continent.

He told the youth on Sunday that they were on the right track in the war to Liberate their future.

“The first Saba Saba in 1990, marked the beginning of the end of the authoritarian Nyayo era. Prior to this historic day, political dissent was countered with detention without trial, torture and in many cases death. On this day, we marched to Kamkunji grounds for our lives because it mattered most.

As we mark this Saba Saba Day in 2024, I am happy because the young people of this country have decided to march for their lives. I support you!

I support your clarion calls of saying NO to dictatorship, NO to tribalism in state appointments, NO to police brutality, NO to corruption. I urge you to remain vigilant and steadfast because freedom is coming.” 

The historic images of Orengo, Shikuku, Bahmariz and Nthenge perched atop a pickup as they finally made it to Kamukunji grounds during protests to repeal the one-party rule have added impetus to the younger generations’ fight for justice against poor governance.


dalanews.co.ke https://g.page/r/CerTmAWCtzj4EBM/review¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬ÿÛ C

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