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Kenya’s Governors spouses have issued a stern warning against those ruining lives of school girls by impregnating them and forcing them to undergo female genital mutilation (FGM).

Photos: Siaya County Directorate of Communication.

Led by the Chairlady of the Lake Region Economic Bloc (LREB) First Spouses Emily Nyaribo from Nyamira and her Narok counterpart Agnes Ntutu, they said the number of teenage pregnancies in the region are on the rise hence urgent strategies and stringent measures must be adopted to deal with the vices.

“As advocators of girl-child rights, we won’t remain silent as greedy men prey on school girls,” said Nyaribo adding that for the Nurturing care idea to thrive, an end must be brought to the scourge of teenage girls having children.


Speaking in Bomet County during a sensitization forum on Nurturing Care for Early Childhood and Development, participants said the girl-child is under threat from all manner of vices, be it teenage pregnancy, FGM, Gender based Violence and other traditions which have no basis for the development of our country.

“I know for sure that the teenage girls do not make themselves pregnant, the culprits are grown men and its our responsibility to keep calling it out that if you want to have sex with somebody kindly engage your age-mate,” said the women leaders.

“Let men look for somebody of their age or whoever is mature enough to consent because this problem has continued in my Nyamira County and in the lake region bloc we are not doing very well,” said Chairperson Nyaribo.

Participants said that in order to ensure the next generation of children are raised under nurturing care program the culture of child mothers must be eradicated.

“We can do so by telling men to leave little girls alone or use other means to tame them,” said a participant.

She noted that the vice is a big problem in Nyamira, Siaya and Narok where grandfathers prey on teenage girls.

”We have been at the maternity wards and it’s a sad story to tell”.

Similar sentiments was echoed by Ntutu who revealed that the vices are worse in Narok and would want the program rolled out in the county to reverse the indicators.

“The Kipsigis and Massai men are notorious, majority of the teenagers have been married off to those who impregnated them,” she addeding, “Female Genital Mutilation still thrives in our jurisdiction.”

Ntutu at the same time admired the way Luo men were allegedly treat their wives during pregnancy saying most of good brains from the region resulted from proper nurturing care.

“We have today learnt why Siaya is the land of heroes, they understand the science behind nurturing care and ensure their pregnant women enjoy balanced diet, company and reduced burden likely to cause stress.”

She said the case in Narok was the opposite as men forget their wives the moment they are pregnant.

Siaya First Lady Betty Orengo promised to roll out the program in Narok as requested by Ntutu.

“We are advocators of the rights of children and will not support initiatives that would harm or ruin their future,” said Mama Betty.

Bomet County is the 13th devolved unit to receive the torch and signed a communique to show commitment towards supporting Nurturing Care Program.

The 14th County due to receive the torch under LREB counties is Kericho.

Mama Betty who was accompanied by Agriculture Executive Sylvester K’Okoth and his Education Counterpart Dr Edgar Otumba assured Bomet County First Lady Selina Barchock support towards initiatives that will see the program thrive and yield good results.

She asked Selina and County leadership to take training of the program seriously when invited by the partners and ensure they anchor the program in the CIDP and mainstream it in the departments for sustainability purposes.

“The first ladies embracing the program for the first time should form a habit of sensitizing governors to understand the science behind the nurturing care program,” said Betty Orengo.


dalanews.co.ke https://g.page/r/CerTmAWCtzj4EBM/review¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬ÿÛ C

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