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Siaya County yesterday observed the 61st Mashujaa Day commemoration with unusual pomp and ceremony, unlike the dull atmosphere that was previously accorded national holiday celebrations in the region.

The celebrations held at the Siaya KMTC grounds also saw the County Staff choir and Community Health Workers feted as heroes and heroins.

County Commissioner Michael ole Tialal, Governance Executive Agunda Ochanda, Health Executive Dr Martin Konyango and Tourism Executive Anjeline Oduor were among the senior officers during the celebrations.

The enthralling performance by the county government choir earned them accolades. Photos courtesy of Directorate of Communication

Agunda lauded the excellent work done by community health volunteers at the grassroots level saying they have helped reverse the negative health indicators in the region.


The County Government choir was exceptional and outstanding with well-choreographed performances that enthralled the audience.

“You(Choir) are indeed our heroes and I want to assure you that you shall participate in the planned cultural activities,” said Ms Oduor.

Meanwhile, plans are underway to increase the county bursary kitty to KES 130 million by 2025, Governor James Orengo has said.

In a speech read on his behalf by CECM Ochanda, Orengo said he intends to increase the bursary kitty from the current KES 110 million to KES 130 million.

“We recognize education as a key pillar in the Nyalore manifesto. In the last financial year, we spent KES 110 million on bursary kitty and this supported 16,100 students learning in Secondary and Tertiary institutions,” said Orengo.

“We have a pillar that states ‘leave no vulnerable child behind’ and that is precisely what we intend to do,” said Orengo, adding, “When I took over office, I found that the bursary kitty was only KES 75 million per year for all the county 30 Wards.”

Last Week, Education Executive Dr Edgar Otumba declared that the school feeding program targeting Early Childhood development will be rolled out in the 30 Wards as from January next year.

“KES 60 million has been allocated to roll out the program in the entire Siaya County and already some bags of paddy have been procured by Department of Agriculture from the Siriwo Rice Mill Cooperative for milling,”

The bags of rice will be supplied to ECD centers in the 30 Wards as from January next year.

The initiative will help boost enrolment of learners in school.

The County Government of Siaya also engaged ECDE teachers on permanent and pensionable terms.

Orengo at the same time revealed that his administration has done exceptionally well in development.

Orengo reaffirmed that his administration has made enormous strides in key areas of development.

“My administration is on track to achieve laid down pillars of our manifesto especially in the health sector. The maternity and surgical theatre at Siaya Referral hospital is complete and we shall start operating it in February once it is equipped,” said Orengo.

The surgical theatre has an ICU unit, 4 operation theatres, rooms and high dependency units.

The County boss said certain roads in Siaya have been upgraded to bitumen standards to enhance trade.

“Works on the ring road from Yala Junction to Yala hospital are almost complete while Ugunja ring-road construction is still on,” said Orengo, adding that the Rabango junction-Kababa-Siaya hosiptal road is complete.

The county boss also revealed that the Nyalore administration was in the final stage of completing the ultra-modern 20,000-sitting capacity stadium and in the fullness of time, the facility will be upgraded to accommodate an audience of 60,000 in the upcoming phase II of the project.

Tourism is gaining momentum in Siaya and the planned sports and cultural activities in December will boost the sector.

Orengo said Siaya is geared towards hosting Piny Luo Cultural activities, wherein the rich culture of the Lwo community will be showcased and Luos including those in Uganda, Tanzania, Congo and the diaspora will attend.

The Governor reiterated his earlier promise that Yanga FC from Tanzania, and the legendary Gor Mahia will lock horns on the inaugural match.

Orengo added that the Migwena sports and cultural festival will also take place in December and we expect various artists and celebrities to attend.

Ms Oduor further urged Luos in diaspora to attend the cultural events and opening of the Siaya stadium.


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