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Applying the wisdom gleaned from my ancestor Sabina Oyoya nyar-Ogara yesterday morning I said here that the show was about to go down but people doubted what I meant.

I even wrote in bold heading that the government had infiltrated Gen Z, still people doubted what I meant.

Well eight hours later it took a presser from the Head of State and a poorly managed #EngagethePresident X Space for Kenyans to understand that I never lie since I have the seer blood of my ancestors, the Nabukaki, coursing in my veins.

As I predicted, the president did relent, tactically, by calling a press briefing at State House where he removed budgets for offices of First Lady, Second Lady and dissolved 47 state agencies (whose identities he curiously did not disclose).


The president also suspended non-essential travel for government workers, the buying of new cars for state officers and cut Government advisers by half. Those are major changes if you don’t understand the word suspend which means stop for a while. Will the government’s extravagant spending resume sometime in the future?

For the Gen Z this was a milestone. After three weeks of piling pressure they had pushed the president to a place of consensus and half their demands were accepted.

Now comes the big bang. 

One of the leaders of Gen Z called a parallel X Space while the President was engaging Kenyans. Osama Otero did not have a very big X account as such but was still considered a bigwig because of his schooling and capacity to ramble on X. He was an affirmed digital mercenary.

When the State picked him up for questioning among nine influencers who were arrested and held incommunicado before being released we knew they had done that thing to him. Someone suggested that he should not be allowed back into the command wall but it appears his close friends vouched for him and he was there listening as Gen Z planned their next moves.

But that is not all. The likes of Hussein Mohammed, the State House spokesman, are mainstream media hacks who do not understand what is done inside Twitter fraternities, someone had to tell him that you fight fire by fire and there was born the idea of Ruto hosting X Space. That someone is still masquerading as Gen Z. Kimuzi and Osama are the open traitors but a thousand others who belong to the fraternity received a call from a nasal individual (he appeared to have a cold) who told them that the best way to serve their country was to agree to work for the government who will be supporting them with a small token every month.

With a show of hands let me see how many people said NO to the guy with a whiny, gravel voice who called on Thursday night. Fine, rudisha mkono chini! So there are still a few of you out there who still believe the movement is on.

Now listen to me. And am speaking with the authority of my seer ancestors the Nabukaki. This round imeenda. The government has taken the day.

But we all learnt something new. One; the government can be pressured into relenting as long as you form caucuses with a minimum of traitors.

Two; the youth who sold-out now have the blood of the 39 Kenyans who died in the demonstrations on their hands and will also be betrayed by their new friends who have never been able to keep promises.

Three: the old-guard can now come back and preen themselves before TV cameras and even take credit for the revolution (because the real brains behind Gen Z will never come out for fear of execution) – even Osama Otero only knew the people he fraternizes with on X, he never saw the faceless leader.

What am I saying here? If indeed the revolution was faceless, leaderless and formless, then it was an idea. And ideas are never killed.

You may suppress them for a while but they will resurface in a different form. Whoever knows where we are heading tomorrow!

Back to that X Space the president hosted: I tell you it was an absolute rollercoaster.

President Ruto listened as Kenyans called him a liar to his face, someone dropped an F-bomb and youth asked him to fire his entire cabinet.

They called him out for lacking empathy, wasting money on foreign travel and failing to deliver on his promises. I tell you it was an absolute explosion.

I also tell you, this thing is not over, yet. Since it was an idea, someone will find ways of exploring a different angle.


Editorial Saturday 6 July, 2024


dalanews.co.ke https://g.page/r/CerTmAWCtzj4EBM/review¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬ÿÛ C

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