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With Simon Bodo

The only hope of a hapless society in the midst of suppression and subversion of justice, by oligarchy dressed in pious governance semantics, is a leader whose conviction is driven by the realization of egalitarian society.

One who stands firm in the side of truth, the government tyranny notwithstanding. In our beloved motherland, Kenya, many such leaders found it logical to stand up to the repressive Kanu regime in the post-colonial era some paying with their dear lives. This did not deem the aspirations of truth, justice, and democracy-loving patriots who coursed on with the fight for the same amidst torture.

In our time, few remnants can still be singled out. Senator Okiya Omtatah and Hon Raila Odinga have epitomized the struggle for justice and democratic space with gusto. The two have for quite a time now trodden this land in search of justice for societal good.


Even as Baba’s aspirations to lead this country seems to be dissipating as he heads to the sunset ,Senator Omutatah’s stars seem to be on the verge of shining brighter even as much as he wages war on the different regimes that are hell-bent to scuttle the democratic and justice the nation has gained (starting from Kanu era to the current Kenya kwanza).

While Baba’s approaches have been organizing mass actions through picketing and seeking legal redress from the courts, Senator Omutatah has stuck within the courts where he has for many battles for the good of our motherland and won many; the latest Housing Levy being just another important milestone.

To this end, we can just remind ourselves that endurance is not just the ability to bear a hard thing, but to turn it into glory for the common good of the society. While Baba might have lost his pristine glory in the reasoning of his castigators and haters, his trail of struggle for emancipation in both political and judicial front is unmatched and will ever remain etched in our memories as well as neatly tacked in the annals of history. Now that Baba is “sunsetting”, a leader who has stood with the mass like himself needs to continue displaying their mettle.

Sen. Omutatah, has no doubt, stepped into the arena by consistently and constantly articulating issues that saddle the wellbeing of the citizenry and ending the battles in courts whenever circumstances demanded.

The senator has displayed an unselfish fight for justice with utmost humility, modesty, and authenticity amid unparalleled mastery of law in spite of lacking in law training. By this, he has rendered the Law Society of Kenya (LSK) irrelevant by doing single-handedly duties that could be a reserve for LSK’s jurisdiction. Doing this, more often than not, in an environment of insecurity even in instances of being vilified by the same public for which he fights.

This is a manifestation as to why he could single-handedly form a political party, present himself to the electorates through that little-known party and in one swop clinched senatorial seat of Busia County.

Following these traits and acumen, Mr. Omutatah stands a chance of being the first non-Kalenjin, non-Kikuyu president; the only two communities who have bestridden the country’s leadership like a colossus. The man has built his brand; and cannot be defined by the minority tribe from which he hails.

He is not tainted with any corruption scandals. If anything, he is the one who has been naming and shaming the corrupt leaders through his legal fights. On his maiden task in the senate, he chose to vote for speaker against a walk-out by his Azimio colleagues stating that he did so on principles and that he would do so guided by his principles and what he sees best for the country.

If Omutata wouldn’t be swayed by the politics of “tumbocracy”, which he has weathered to this date, then his political future is very bright. The justice loving Kenyans cheer you on son of Amagoro.
—Simon Bodo




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