In another one of a series of executive gaffes, Siaya Governor James Orengo has appointed a County Executive Committee Member (CECM for Water and Sanitation) while the court is yet to determine the fate of the current CECM Dr Julie Onyango.
Dr. Julie Caroline Onyango
Dr. Onyango was suspended during a purge of alleged henchmen of the Deputy Governor Dr William Oduol Denge in the ongoing personality squabbles between Orengo and Oduol. Others earmarked for suspension were Agriculture’s Sylvester K’Okoth and Finance’s Benedict Abonyo Omollo.
Dr. Julie appealed the irregular suspension in court and the presiding judge is yet to hear and make a determination on the matter.
Senior Counsel James Orengo is a venerated lawyer but since he became Governor of Siaya County his tenure has been marked by unprecedented gaffes. For instance how did Jackline Oduol know that the position of CECM Water was vacant without being publicly advertised. Is the Governor rewarding his cronies at the expense of professional aptitude?
The Kenyan law is very clear on the tenet of sub-judice. Acting upon a matter before a court of law, particularly by parties adversely mentioned in a dispute may amount to contempt of court. Perhaps it’s time street lingo the Governor stops taking whatever he’s taking for the sake of the prudent execution of his office.
The circular issued Thursday evening also listed nominees for the positions of Chief Officers in the Departments of Budget and Planning, Energy and Transport, Health, Water and Sanitation, Agriculture, Food Security, Livestock and Fisheries and Enterprise and Industrial Development.
The former parliamentary aspirant for Alego-Usonga Constituency Dr. Nicholas Kut Ochogo has been appointed Chief Officer for Youth, Gender and Social Services.
While he appeared to be struggling for a semblance in gender and regional balance Gem Constituency and Ugunja were simply left out although the vacancies equalled the number of constituencies in the county.
When he fell out with his deputy, Governor Orengo lost the goodwill of the electorate and people are oblivious to whomever he appoints or does not appoint as CECM.
The case of Dr. Julie Onyango rankles because she is a woman who is wrongfully being persecuted for perceived association to the Siaya Anti-corruption Czar Dr. William Oduol Denge.