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Trade CS Moses Kuria has apologised for misleading Kenyans that fuel pump prices was bound to increase because of global dynamics.

In a tweet posted in the wee hours of Wednesday September 20, 2023 Mr. Kuria diverted from his usually ebullient and confrontational character to offer an apology to Kenyans.

“Dear Kenyans. On Friday 15th September I made some comments indicating that the price of fuel is likely to go up in the coming months owing to global dynamics. I have since been advised by people like Dr Boni Khaleale and his master that the statement was incorrect, insensitive and ARROGANT. I am made to now understand that the price will come down. I apologise profusely since to err is human.”

The hiked cost of fuel in Kenya has got nothing to do with global factors. Kakamega Senator Dr. Boni Khalwale together with economist Dr. David Ndii had called out Mr. Kuria for being overly imaginative in his global factors assertions.

dalanews.co.ke https://g.page/r/CerTmAWCtzj4EBM/review¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬ÿÛ C

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