Another one of Siaya Governor James Orengo’s appointees for the post of Chief Officer does not meet the criteria set by the Public Service Board but gets the job, nonetheless.
The ravishingly pretty Judy Oyugi Adhola Patel is the latest beneficiary of the county government largese without requisite academic and/or professional qualifications.
The recent recruiting in Siaya county was riddled with high level corruption and political influence. We have highlighted the case of former Mombasa County Chief of Staff and County Secretary Mr Joab Tumbo, we also have information that former East Asembo MCA Judy Patel the presumptive CO water & Sanitation does not have degree certificate and did not meet the minimum requirements for that position.
The writer engaged one of the staff at the UoN to confirm degree status of Judy Patel.
Judy Patel does not meet the academic and professional qualifications for the CO position as advertised. She has no professional experience in the water and sanitation sector which was a mandatory requirement.
The UoN don confirmed that university records have no data for the said Judy Patel but he went ahead to confirm from Commission for Higher Education and these are the findings:
1. Judy graduated from KU in 1987 with B.Ed (Home Economics)
2. She enrolled for Masters of Arts ( Project Planning and Management) at the UoN around 2014 and her name doesn’t appear on the graduation list.
The Public Appointments (County Assembly Approvals) Act, 2017 provides that:
An approval hearing shall focus on a candidate’s academic credentials, professional training and experience, personal integrity and background. *( Judy’s academic background is B.Ed – Home economics that has no relevance to the water and sanitation docket. She doesn’t have any employment history in the water and sanitation sector and is not a member of any professional organization in the water and sanitation sector)*
Additionally, Section 8 of the Public Appointments (County Assemblies Approvals) Act, 2017 provides that the issues for consideration by the relevant Committee in relation to any nomination shall be among others: –
The suitability of the Nominee for the appointment proposed having regard to whether the nominee’s abilities, experience and qualities meet the needs of the body to which the Nomination is being made. *( It was a mandatory requirement to have a 10 year relevant experience in the water and sanitation sector, five of which in a managerial capacity. Judy falls flat on this criteria)*.
In the roll of graduands Kenyatta University class of 1987 Judy Oyugi Adhola appears as No.763
Dalanews has conclusively confirmed that the undergraduate degree used in the recruitment is fake. From the records it is stated at one point that Judy has a BSc and in another shortlist she has a degree in Chemistry. These are already two distinct undergraduate programs. To make matters clear, we have ascertained that Judy holds a B.Ed (Home Economics) from KU year of graduation 1987. Period!
She now joins the long list of senior County employees with dubious academic credentials that include Jaro Soldier, Makamu wa Makamu and many others.
Content supplied by Mike Ochieng