A shocking exposé on the Executive arm of the Siaya County Government has revealed that more than half of the senior personnel including County Executive Committee Members are in office illegally.
Their appointments are based on dubious academic credentials which cannot be traced back to the institutions they claim to have attended. Efforts at cross-referencing has revealed that most of them enrolled into University courses merely to secure employment and did not complete the required units for the award of a degree. They, nonetheless went ahead to provide the names of the institutions to the Public Service Board.
According to the Local Government Employment Act it is a crime merely to canvas for appointment with forged documentation. The penalty for actually occupying Office without appropriate qualifications might include imprisonment and reimbursement of all salaries and remunerations earned illegally.
Tomorrow we carry a comprehensive list of senior Siaya County employees who are taking the taxpayer for a joyride as they do not qualify for the positions they occupy.
Considering that Siaya carries the highest number of unemployed graduates we will also carry out an intensive audit with the intention of alerting the DCI and EACC of this anomaly.
Keep abreast of the latest from Siaya and the globe by visiting this website tomorrow for this and other exciting news.