A senior employee of the Siaya County Government who spoke to dalanews.co.ke on condition of anonymity has confirmed that although his name was mentioned in the brewing degree scandal, he has legitimate college transcripts that support both his bachelorette as well as masters degree.
A visibly annoyed county official told our editor: “Your publication has earned the recognition of exposing scandals in Siaya County and even some of us in CGS are happy with that, but when you go so low as assassinating characters on hearsay we do not take kindly to that. Just tell your sources that the year of completion of studies and the year of graduation must not necessarily be the same. Please educate that little chap who is wasting so much negative energy on Siaya political WhatsApp groups before he picks his next cheap propaganda.”
The official went on to provide copies of genuine transcripts for his first degree and the reason he was not on the graduands list as a re-sit necessitated by his involvement in political campaigns that were actually held in that year.
Another lady official said she had been forced to defer her studies owing to natural factors of childbirth. She confirmed that she still graduated with a Second Class (upper) degree and did not see the reason why she should engage a blogger whose mission was perhaps sponsored to besmirch her good name. Both stated that the blogger in question has a habit of attacking officials to solicit for handouts through a mobile number which they provided as 07______64.
Among those profiled as having dubious degrees was Dr. Nicholus Kut Ochogo whose name does not appear on the 2005 graduation lists from the University of Nairobi.
The claims are that Kut Ochogo either did not complete his Masters degree at the University of Nairobi or was never legitimately enrolled for one.
Dr. Kut Ochogo at the time was the Senior Assistant Registrar (examination’s) at UoN. He probably used that position to fraudulently gain PhD admission without meeting the minimum requirements. We are still looking for Dr. Kut Ochogo to make clarifications on the matter and will bring the feedback when it’s available.
Together with Dr. Jackline Oduol who has been shortlisted as a nominee for CECM Water, Dr. Kut Ochogo will be appearing at the Siaya Public Service offices with originals of his academic certificates during the vetting process scheduled for Wednesday September 27.
There’s been an outcry that Jackline Oduol should not be vetted as the outgoing Water CECM Dr. Julie Caroline Onyango has an appeal against her sacking pending in court.
“In fact where you can get boogie academicians is in the Assembly but not in the Executive “, said the county official, “My boss is a seasoned lawyer and even if he gave out some positions for political expediency he would still be smart enough to cover his flanks. I therefore strongly dispute that heading that more than half of us do not have genuine transcripts. You are a respected journalist just do your research.”
And research we shall do as we continue reporting on the degree debacle to bring you both sides of the story.