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Insider sources have confirmed that the impromptu Monday night meeting that Governor Orengo called in Kisumu between himself and Siaya MCAs narrowly saved his skin.

The MCAs had hatched a plot to impeach the Governor over KES 10 million paid out to hangers-on as allowances during the trip to Qatar.

According to an MCA who spoke to us on condition of anonymity some of the things Orengo’s delegation went to benchmark for in Qatar could be conducted over a phone call.

The meeting was therefore used as some quid-pro-quo for tenders the MCAs eyed and had even struck deals on. MCAs had already ‘sold’ the tenders to their contractors and were shocked to see the very tenders floated including those involving Women and PWDs.


READ Additional Reporting on the matter from a tabloid claims an ongoing impeachment plot against the Governor:


A plot to impeach Siaya Governor James Aggrey Bob (JAB) Orengo shocked the county boss forcing him to convene an urgent night meeting with MCAs at a luxurious Hotel in Kisumu on Monday night.

Orengo who until now does not see eye to eye with his deputy William Oduol Denge got the wind from a few friendly MCAs from his Ugenya backyard who broke the sad news to him on Sunday on his arrival from a working tour in Qatar.

Sensing danger, the Governor spent an entire Monday trying to reach out to Speaker George Okode to save his skin, leading to the planning of the Kisumu night meeting.

“The Governor was so scared that he told Okode not to finish him. He took the whole of Monday pleading with the speaker to help mobilize the MCAs for him so that he could meet them and sort out the underlying issues,” a source at the Executive told Weekly Citizen.

According to the source, Orengo had promised the MCAs huge tenders if they helped him kick out his estranged deputy Oduol in June, but had defaulted on his promise, compelling the Ward Representatives to plan his removal from office.

In June, the MCAs successfully kicked out Oduol before he was saved at the Senate by President William Samoei Ruto’s allied UDA Senators.

But now, in a clear case of the hunter being the hunted, the MCAs have turned against Orengo whom they now want to kick out, with the hope that the UDA Senators who are the majority at the senate would send him packing and have Oduol who is now allied to the Head of State to ascend to power.

But an MCA who wished not to be named said the impeachment plan against Orengo is secretly emanating from the UDA faction, which is keen on elevating Oduol to the governor position.

“President Ruto is said to be keen on having Oduol ascend to the governor position because he is the only senior elected leader from Nyanza who is working with his administration. It is also rumoured that the president was not happy with Orengo’s dress down against him during his recent visit to Siaya County,” said the MCA from the minority camp in the Siaya Assembly.

It is not clear the resolutions of the Monday meeting, but the MCAs are said to have insisted that Orengo rewards them handsomely if he wishes to be saved.

In fact one MCA was overheard bragging that she doubts whether Orengo would march what they have been promised from the government side to be able to save himself from the ouster motion.

“We are awaiting the resolution from the governor or we shall move with speed to kick him out because we have since learnt that the corruption issues Oduol, a CPA holder had raised were valid. However, even if we save Orengo which will only come with handsome reward, we must discipline his Finance CEC who is against our well being as MCAs,” a furious MCA said.

Editor’s note: the veracity of the addendum in the article above purely rests with the author.


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