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Kenyaweb Solutions (East Africa) Limited suspended the official website for Siaya County Government for a whole day last Saturday.

The unexpected move was confirmed by visitors to the website on Saturday December 2, 2023. Whereas details for the suspension were not readily available the “contact host for more information” signage was evidence that the County Government could have defaulted on paying website hosting charges.

Website Hosting charges, whether joint or standalone, are usually a pittance that cannot present a challenge to an establishment of the calibre of Siaya County Government.

That leaves only one intriguing reason behind the action; that the website was deliberately suspended.


Why would the county government decide to suspend the account? Most of the information that civic and independent individuals use to present cases of corruption to EACC are directly drawn from the website.

For instance the issue of forcefully moving residents from Got Akara in Ndai village of Central Alego Ward, without adequate compensation, is documented on the website with a somewhat glib, positive but misleading angle. The EACC is currently investigating the matter.

Who would want the website pulled down? A shrewd ICT operative would realize that changing details on the website is criminal and would open up the CGS to much ridicule. Pulling it down altogether, in a manner of speaking, kills two birds with one stone.

The public loses a repository of official information and somehow the prying eyes of EACC Agents will now have to look elsewhere for supportive details.

Whatever the reason, the Information and  ICT Department of the County Government of Siaya is coordinated under the Chief Officer Governance Mr. Walter Okello.

When reached by our reporters Mr. Okello said the matter routine hosting issues and of no significance.

A quick perusal on the website however shows that some articles were brought down and deleted permanently.


dalanews.co.ke https://g.page/r/CerTmAWCtzj4EBM/review¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬ÿÛ C

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