Millions of Hustler Fund users have received SMS telling them that their limit has increased in the last 24 hours.
Incidentally those who had defaulted have rushed to pay up. Those who had defaulted Ksh 500, were told their limit had gone up to KES 1000 while those with 1000 were told they could now access KES 3000.
Defaulters rushed to pay so that they can get the new limit. As soon as they paid up their limit hit zero.
In a span of hours following relaunch of the fund, President Ruto raked in millions from defaulters.
During the first anniversary celebrations of the fund this week President Ruto promised an increment on the borrowing amount of all Hustlers Fund participants.
The President revealed how loan limits will be increased for committed Kenyans participating in the Hustler Fund scheme.
The limits will be adjusted according to the number of times Kenyans have borrowed.
“We are increasing the Hustler Fund borrowing limit and this will apply to 1.2 million regular borrowers today,” he said.
Individuals who have borrowed 10 times will have their limits increased by 100 per cent, while those who have borrowed between five and 10 times will have their limits increased by 60 per cent. The last group of Kenyans who have borrowed between two and five times will have their limits increased by 40 per cent.
Kenyans will also be able to withdraw 30 per cent of their savings, while 70 per cent will be put into a long-term savings plan. However, those who choose not to withdraw their savings will have their credit limits doubled within a month.
The President added that the Hustler savings component had reached KES 2 billion.
He also revealed that the Hustler Fund would match the savings of 1.2 million regular users.
“If you borrow and have savings, the government will match it. You must have borrowed at least five times to demonstrate your commitment to the Hustler Fund,” he said.
Anyone who has saved Sh6,000 or more will receive Sh3,000, while those who have saved less will receive a 2:1 match.
Hustlers will receive information on their increased loan limits online. The President was speaking at the first anniversary celebrations of the Hustlers Fund. He added that the government had lent nearly Sh40 billion to 19 million Kenyans, of which 7.7 million are active members.
Today most of the members were left laughing once they realized that President Ruto had outsmarted them in their own game.