Siaya State of the County Address 2023 – A Review
By Auscar Odhiambo Wambiya
1. Nothing on Lake Region Economic or related blocs and the place of Siaya in the regional scheme of things
2. Nothing on Council of Governors and Siaya in the whole arrangement
3. No mention of progress or partnership with National Government on the Lower Nzoia Irrigation Project as a projected game changer in food production for Siaya
4. On finance, no mention of use of PPPs and need to have Siaya investment corporation up and running .
5. Great effort in reducing pending bills laudable
6. No explanation or proposed remedy for Own Source Revenue target shortfalls by almost 300k. No call on public to pay tax or progress of steps towards revenue collection digitization
7. Increase in bursary funds is good but could be doubled with a legal framework. Nothing on efforts to address corruption in bursary allocation and avoid beneficiary dublication with other existing bursary schemes
8. Nothing on concrete steps to attract investors, entice existing ones, make Siaya business friendly. No mention of Yala Swamp, the greatest of our natural resources
9. Too little on Tourism, nothing on Home Stay Concept, tourist attractions of Siaya etc
10. No mention of Siaya County Public Service Board. Nothing on staff recruitment, retention, motivation, capacity building and separation
11. No mention of how the youth of Siaya county can be empowered to participate/partake in online global job opportunities by creating computer hubs strategically within the county
12. Nothing to report on the several foreign trips so far by the Executive too
Auscar Wambiya – Milestones Consultants