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Nyeri town was a beehive of activity on Sunday as police cordoned major roads leading to the town with express orders to stop anyone attempt to reach Kabiruini showground.

The venue was the site of a public meeting  scheduled to be addressed by former Mungiki leader Maina Njenga but had been declared on Saturday as illegal by the Nyeri County Police Commander Benjamin Rotich.

Early Sunday morning police officers  were deployed on all major roads into the town, with roadblocks erected at Kabiruini, Embassy Estate near Mweiga town and at Kingongo junction.

Rotich warned that police were on high alert for any activities that may threaten tranquility. Sometime around noon the police moved into residential areas where they conducted a mop up of suspected individuals associated with the proscribed Mungiki sect.


“We are set and all the security personnel are on the lookout for any illegal meeting. So far no one has applied for a licence to hold a meeting at Kabirui-ini showground in Nyeri,” the senior police officer had said in the morning. Shortly thereafter his officers were involved in a purge of youth throughout the estates.

Last month, Njenga said the meeting would be held at the venue as a thanksgiving ceremony and leaders and youth from the Mt Kenya area had been invited to rally for unity of the region.

Immediately Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua branded the meeting a resurgence of the Mungiki cult. For some reason the Deputy President has seen Maina Njenga as a threat to his efforts to unify the region as its political kingpin.

The former Mungiki leader has maintained that he is no longer associated with the proscribed Mungiki sect but that he is the chairman of  a social activism group, the Amani Sasa Foundation.

Behind the scenes Maina Njenga is said to have ties to the former President of Kenya, Uhuru Muigai Kenyatta. 

Being extremely popular with the youth from Mount Kenya and having the blessings of the financial giant Uhuru Kenyatta, Maina Njenga is the nightmare of any politician who would wish to lock horns in a duel.

In an early evening post Sunday afternoon Maina Njenga tweeted: “we are Powerful and Positive We will win.”

Whoever this message was addressed to; the battle lines are now set.

dalanews.co.ke https://g.page/r/CerTmAWCtzj4EBM/review¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬ÿÛ C

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