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Residents of Kadenge in Central Alego Ward of Alego-Usonga Constituency yesterday took to the road on a demonstration demanding a stop to environmental degradation by an investor.

The residents claimed that trucks collecting sugarcane from the former Dominion Farms stir up huge plums of dust that have made business in the nearby Ratuoro market untenable as well as exposing their children to inhalation health hazards.

They further claimed the investor colluding with the County government of Siaya is running the sugarcane project without having conducted proper environmental impact assessment research.

Sugarcane from the area is transported for processing at Kabras Sugar Factory in Western Kenya. The only industrial activity done in Siaya County is the manufacturing of molasses which the residents claimed had given rise to illegal local brewing of chang’aa.


“This so-called investor is contributing to the degradation not only of the environment but of morals and human health,” said one of the protestors.

Lake Agro Limited owned by sugar billionaire Rai was allocated an additional 3,000 hectares of Yala Swamp wetland by the National Land Commission thereby threatening the preservation of the rich flora and fauna found in the ecosystem.

Certain Siaya politicians have been coercing the residents to sign agreements stating they had agreed to the 99-year lease of the Yala Swamp wetland.


dalanews.co.ke https://g.page/r/CerTmAWCtzj4EBM/review¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬ÿÛ C

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