By Eric Omwombo
The county government of Siaya in partnership with Build Africa Kenya and Street Child have donated playing equipment to Gagra, Chianda and Mirau primary schools in North Uyoma in Rarieda sub-county.
Representative for Build Africa Kenya and Street Child Country director Raphael Sungu said they have partnered to support initiatives that aim at enhancing the growth of children through play.
Speaking on behalf of Sungu, Belinda Adagi, said they have been supporting ECD with teaching and learning materials.
“We have also been capacity building teachers and rolled out feeding programme at Mirau,” said Adagi.
She added that they have a five-year plan, with CGS and current proposals will include more ECD centres in the county.
In this pilot project we are providing equipment to six schools in Uyoma and Bondo constituency, we are done with Gagra, Chianda, Maranda, Nyamonye and Mirau.
According to Siaya Education executive Dr Edgar Otumba, the donated children’s playground facilities to the schools in Uyoma Would go a long way in supporting the growth of the pre-primary children.
Dr Otumba said the donation included newly constructed playground equipment.
Otumba while addressing education stakeholders at Gagra Primary School, directed the project unit to prioritize the ECD classes for renovation and rebranding.
“We have established that Gagra school has not received any support from the County Government of Siaya for the past 6 years for that reason, have directed the project unit to prioritize it for renovation while the ECD classes at Chianda Primary are programmed for equipment.
“One of the lead teachers at Gagra will also be recruited by the County government of Siaya,” said Dr Otumba.
Otumba also commissioned KES4.4 million Mirau ECD classes that are 95 per cent complete.
Dr Otumba added that a budget of Sh 200 million. see all ECD classes that were built by the previous regime get equipped.
Out of 385 ECDs constructed, 178 classes are already equipped.
“The budget will support equipping the ongoing projects under James Orengo’s administration,” said Otumba.
Chief officer Kut Ochogo lauded the constructor’s workmanship saying his works are of quality.
The project was constructed by Aridom Enterprises Limited.
“If all the contractors can emulate the quality of works by the director of Aridom Enterprises Richard Anyango Owuor, the durability would be assured,”:said Ochogo.
He further assured the public that he will ensure ECD classes get equipped, staffed and operational.
We hail Orengo leadership for providing us iron sheet that saw the ECD completed. The county government also recruited an ECD teacher Keziah Akinyi Olango for Mirau,” said Mirau’s primary Head teacher Mr Paul Okere.