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Police in Nairobi on Friday morning arrested a man called Jasmine Nyamongo Otachi for trying to extort KES 1 million from Nairobi’s Health County Executive Committee (CEC) Member, Geoffrey Mosiria.

Jasmine Nyamongo Otachi who claimed to have made a positive identification of the man Stabbed in the buttocks by a Tinder date. Photo: Twitter

In a shocking exposé Otachi had linked the CEC to the viral pictures of a man who was stabbed in the buttocks by a tinder date. The morbid story with a picture of a middle-aged, and averagely affluent Nairobi man getting stabbed in the buttocks by a call lady for ejaculating in her without using a condom has made rounds on social media platforms.

How Jasmine Nyamongo Otachi tied in the CECM with the photo is still unexplained.

The man stabbed in the buttocks on a Tinder Date (left) side-by-side with Nairobi City County Health CECM Geoffrey Mosiria(right). Photo: Mazingira


Otachi will be arraigned in court this morning once he has been processed.


dalanews.co.ke https://g.page/r/CerTmAWCtzj4EBM/review¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬ÿÛ C

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