Kisumu Senatorial aspirant Wakili Fred Odumo Nyingu’ro recently touched the lives of youngsters at Ngima Childrens’ Home in Kisumu sub-County when he donated a variety of foodstuffs, medicine and clothes.
The facility which caters to abandoned children from the ages of zero to 18 was lit up with joy as Kisumu Resident Children’s Officer, Hellen Tulitu Apiyo accompanied Wakili Nying’uro.
During the event Wakili Fred Odumo Nying’uro urged the children to have a positive outlook on life as many people who have risen to be great in history arose from equally humble beginnings.
He told the children that what really matters in life is not where someone is today but where he intends to be in future. He also charged them to avoid experimenting with banned substances such as sniffing petrol and glue.
The food donations, medicines and clothing are part of a drive by Wakili to uplift the living standards of the residents of Kisumu County which he avowed will continue unabated.