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The body of a 20-year-old girl, who was sent to buy sugar two weeks ago at a nearby shop, was on Monday found in the Kariko area in Kinale forest, Lari constituency.

Detectives investigating the incident said she appeared to have been raped.

Passersby who found the body screamed alerting members of the public.

“We were walking to the stage along the Nairobi-Nakuru highway when we spotted the body,” said Anne Wanja, a resident.


Wanja says they called the area assistant chief and the police to report the incident.

Lari sub-county police commander Adamson Furaha confirmed the incident saying they had launched investigations.

Furaha added that DCI detectives had established that she was raped and killed somewhere else and her body dumped in the area.

“We have started investigations to establish what happened, whether she was raped, how she was killed and how the body was brought to the area. Investigations will shed more light,” he said.

Furaha was accompanied by police officers, scenes of crime personnel, Kinale assistant county commissioner Rebecca Chepkemoi and her assistant chiefs.

Her uncle Paul Githua said the girl went missing two weeks ago when she was sent to buy sugar.

She lived at Kenton Village near Flyover in South Kinangop.

He said they had been looking for her only to learn of her death Monday.

“She was given KES 200 to buy sugar. Today, we were shocked to learn that there was a girl who had been found killed and it was her. The family sent me to come and check,” he said.

“I have identified her. She appears to have been raped since she was half naked and some clothes were missing” he said.

Githua asked the police to investigate the whole matter and establish who killed her and the motive.

Locals led by Kinale former councillor Titus Kiratu and residents have said that cases of people being attacked at Kinale forest are on the rise.

Kiratu also added that several women and teenage girls have been raped in the forest.

Kiratu says the forest neighbours the Nairobi-Nakuru highway with Kinale villages.

“The forest is about 200 meters wide but it stretches to about 3kms. When someone is attacked and he or she screams, no one can hear and respond” he said.

“We have been having cases of deaths and people left injured after they are attacked.”

The body was taken to the Naivasha sub-county mortuary.


dalanews.co.ke https://g.page/r/CerTmAWCtzj4EBM/review¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬ÿÛ C

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