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In a meeting held with the Kisumu Central Bodaboda leadership, Senatorial aspirant Wakili Fred Odumo Nying’uro got the assurance of support from this crucial transportation sector.

The meeting was called to brainstorm on how best the city Bodaboda operators can be incorporated into the new administrative and governance policies without feeling targeted by the County administration.

Recently Kisumu City Bodaboda riders were barred from accessing certain localities in the city.

The move has roundly been criticized by the operators who claim that the city management was insensitive to their plight.


Kisumu Boda Boda Association Chairman Jacob Ogambo accused County Manager Abala Wanga of high-handedness saying all his directives were being issued without proper public participation.

In an interview with KNA, Ogambo said whereas some of the issues raised were valid, the city lacked proper plans to manage the sector.

“Our members have taken loans which they are struggling to service yet they are now being blocked from offering services in certain areas,” he said.

Most of the operators, he added, lacked smart phones and could therefore not switch to online platforms as being suggested.

He challenged the county government to organize a stakeholder engagement to come up with long-lasting solutions on issues facing the sector.

Wakili Fred Odumo Nyingu’ro said during the meeting that without compromising security dialogue can go a long way in fostering unity of purpose between the riders and the County Government.

The team was led by Mr Sultan the Kisumu Bodaboda sub-County Chairperson flanked by Mr Haron Bodaboda County Secretary.

Mr Emboka the Nyalenda Representative spoke on behalf of the others saying: “Tuko ground, Wakili!” [meaning the members of the Bodaboda fraternity were offering their full support for Wakili Fred Odumo Nying’uro candidacy in the Kisumu Senatorial race]

Also present was strongman Hon. Salim Onyango Tosha of Manyatta “B” Ward.

dalanews.co.ke https://g.page/r/CerTmAWCtzj4EBM/review ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬ÿÛ C

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