In another apparent effort to award loyalty, President Dr William Samoei Ruto on Friday afternoon appointed the following to the Diplomatic Corps.
Kampala – Joash Maangi (Former Kisii Deputy Governor)
Accra – Vincent Kemosi (Former West Mugirango MP)
Ottawa – Caroline Kamende Daudi (Former LSK Vice Chair)
Cairo – Fred Outa (Former Kisumu Senator)
Abidjan – Christopher Andrew Langat (Former Bomet Senator)
Lusaka – Lilian Tomitom (Former West Pokot Woman Rep)
The Hague, Netherlands – Halima Yusuf Mucheke (Former Nominated MP)
Addis Ababa (Deputy Head of Mission) – Petronila Were (Former Nominated Senator)
Los Angeles (Deputy Head of Mission) – Akinyi Walkowa Odinga
Los Angeles (Consul General) – Ezra Chiloba
Special Envoy on Technology – Philip Omondi Thigo
The team mainly consists of politicians who supported Ruto in the 2022 presidential campaigns and whom people thought had been forgotten or sidelined.
Unlike in the western world appointment to the Kenyan diplomatic corps is largely based on fidelity to the ruling authority.