Siaya Governor James Aggrey Bob Orengo was on Friday 3 May 2024 among mourners who turned up to condole the family of the late Sergeant Cliphonce Omondi Ajienga of Ndiwo village, Kaugagi Udenda Sub location in West Alego Ward.
Governor Orengo was received upon arrival by area Member of County Assembly Felix Ouma Okumu (Judy) and a number of political operatives from west Alego Ward.
The Governor then paid his last respects at the graveside accompanied by Judy, the chairman of West Alego Elders Association Jack Ayimba, county employees Peter K’Omalla and Mordecai.
Orengo personally held a discussion with the widow of the late Sergeant Cliphonce Omondi Ajienga and encouraged her to take fortitude in these trying times.
The youthful Sergeant Cliphonce Omondi Ajienga whose remains were interred this afternoon died following an air crash which claimed lives of nine military officers including the late CDF General Francis Omondi Ogola.
Among other distinguished people who attended the burial was the PS Interior and National Security Dr. Raymond Omollo.