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With reports of State House exceeding its annual budget being bandied around, Azimio Leaders have strongly come out to condemn the hiring of a private luxury jet by President Ruto for the American trip. The jet will ostensibly cost the taxpayer a cool KES 200 million for one week.

“As Azimio, we want a special committee established in Parliament to investigate the expenditures that went into hiring that expensive jet,” said the Senate Minority Leader Stewart Madzayo, calling out State House’s extravagance as a mockery of the President’s calls for austerity.

“It is disappointing that the Kenya Kwanza government can be this wasteful and insensitive to Kenyans.”

His deputy, Kitui Senator Enoch Wambua, said the committee must not “sanitise” Ruto as he said it did with the ‘Hustler Jet’ fiasco in 2014.


“If he is the hustler that he says he is and if he cares about this country, he should refund that money to the National Treasury because it was an unnecessary expenditure,” he said.

—Source: SMG 

dalanews.co.ke https://g.page/r/CerTmAWCtzj4EBM/review¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬ÿÛ C

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