On Wednesday Mr. Odumo donated a 100-seater tent complete with 100 chairs and KES 10,000 to the Kisumu Central Hawkers Development Association (K-CHAD). Amid much aplomb and appreciation the over 4500 hawkers through their leaders George Okoth (Chairman) and Charles Onyango (Secretary) vowed to support Odumo’s candidature come 2027.
The senior lawyer is aspiring to be Kisumu County Senator, now that the current Senator Tom Ojienda is gunning for governorship.
A thrilled female hawker said: “We have seen many politicians who make promises they can’t keep. Odumo has proved that he has the welfare of Kisumu County at heart and we will not disappoint him at the ballot when the time comes.”
On Thursday, after marking Jamhuri Day celebrations Mr. Odumo took time off to listen to residents of Kisumu who paid him a call at his residence.
On Friday Fred Odumo Nying’uro in conjunction with Bloom Surgical Centre Hospital set up a free eye camp at Mkendwa Mosque compound in Kanyakwar, Kisumu West. The exercise which is ongoing has attracted hundreds of patients with opthalmological problems.
By the time of going to press 300 patients had been attended by some of the most qualified opthalmological practitioners.
Mkendwa Assistant Chief Mr. Salim Okombo and his Dago counterpart Mr. Mark Oyange, hailed Fred Odumo Nying’uro as a visionary leader whom the electorate will do themselves a disservice if they don’t send to the Senate.
Apart from the opthalmological screening, glasses, cataract surgeries and eye drops administered the patients benefitted from messages of hope, comfort and a listening ear.