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By Eric Omwombo 

The Ward Climate Change Committees who undertook Participatory Climate Risk Assessment Change that re-birthed climate change Action Plan 2023-2027 will next month actualize the programme.
This follows the release of more than KES 6 billion by the Treasury.

According to the Treasury Cabinet Secretary, have released more than 6 billion to address climate mitigation projects in 45 Counties.
It’s Nairobi and Mombasaa Counties that is excepted from the programe because of their urban nature.

The 45 counties allocated 75 million dollars of their budget to qualify for the FLLoCA funds.
Mr Ndungu said already funds is in the County treasury accounts.


“We have released the funds to the accounts of the Counties so it’s up to the committees that were earlier formed and capacity build to hit the grounds to actualize the projects”,said Ndungu.

In the FLLoCA programe, 16 Counties including 14 from lake region economic bloc is going to access Sh 1.3 Billion.

The CS spoke at a workshop that brought together Governors, LREB team and Environmental stakeholders.
Ndungu was accompanied by Environment Cabinet Secretary Soipan Tuya, Siaya Governor James Orengo, Hillary Barchok(Bomet), Paul Otuoma(Busia), Eric Mutahi(Kericho), Wilberforce Otichillo(Vihiga), Ochillo Ayako(Migori) who are committed towards supporting initiatives that would restore the ecosystem and enhance livelihoods at the grassroots.

Ms Toya said this is a unique program based on a performance and it’s one of it’s kind, being that it involves the lowest unit of governance.

The programe aims at building and strengthening the initiatives that i know many of the counties are undertaking.
He assured the governors that her ministry will work and walk hand in hand with county governments to ensure the success of this program.

“Climate change is without doubt is battering our country’s economy so hard leading to an estimation 5 percent GDP loss annually
Last year, we witnessed the drought followed by the floods that devasted parts of our country claiming lives and destroying livelihoods.

Orengo at the same time noted that Siaya and Busia counties bore the brunt of destruction in regards to climate change defects.
Siaya that hosts second fresh ox-bow lake(Lake Kanyaboli) almost dried up.

“Whenever we talk about the climate change, I do appreciate because the message goes down to the people and they realises it’s effects and the partners who have joined the National government in funding activities in this sphere we are are forever greatfull.Takking counties as the focus of some of these activities, we thank you.” Said Orengo.

Otuoma echoed Orengos statements saying Siaya and Busia share same ecological zone hence have similar destructions caused by climate change issues.

“River Nzoia, Yala and the great Yala swamp which is one of the great wet land in this area. As I speak today, we are already witnessing the brunt of this environmental changes, water that used to flow into lake Victoria has turned out to affect big potion of Busia under water.
We have a big population of Busia residents displaced due to invasion of floods.
Otuoma said even crops was not spared by the floods menace.

“We have messed our environment and it’s our duty to restore it,” Nyamira Governor Nyaribo.
Mutahi said the environment must not be messed up with and it’s high time were “treat” the grounds beneath our feet for its the ashes of our grandfather’s.

We must know that the earth is rich with the life of our kin. Teach our children that the earth is our mother and whatever befalls it affects the sons of the earth.
if men spit on the ground, they do do to themselves,” said Mutahi.

“The programme will not only soften the hard economic times for some Kenyans but the land also,” said Ayako.


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