Following contention over Governor James Aggrey Orengo’s secondment of Mr. Isaiah Adipo to head SIBOWASCO the Governor has now set up an appointment Committee.
Taking over management of the giant Siaya-Bondo Water and Sanitation Company SIBOWASCO is the only hurdle the Orengo administration has not surmounted as the company is deemed to be independent though water services are partially devolved. Above: among the last projects former president Uhuru Muigai Kenyatta commissioned was SIBOWASCO. Photo: SIBOWASCO
Among the nominees for the post of Managing Director will no doubt be the acting MD Mr. Isaiah Adipo who was seconded by the County Government following an allocation of KES 20 million to the water board. Isaiah Adipo had earlier been suspended from the same post for gross mismanagement and financial misappropriation.
Uyoma West MCA Justus Oguta who is the Chair Committee on Water and Environment in the County Assembly made a few noises about the inappropriateness of Adipo’s secondment but soon subsided into acquisance.
The Governor is now determined to use legal means to appoint someone of his choice in SIBOWASCO.
More startlingly is the nomination of Willis Ayieko Onyango to head the Selection Panel for the recruitment of Chairperson of the Siaya County Public Service Board (SPSB). Mr Onyango is the younger brother to former Siaya County Council Chairman Mr Aggrey Onyango.
While that alone may not impact his performance, he happens to be the person touted as Siaya Deputy Governor Dr William Oduol Denge’s replacement in the botched impeachment scheme. Mr Ayieko has an obvious attachment to the Executive and can therefore not execute his role free of influence from the Executive.
The office of Chairperson of the Public Service Board is sensitive and important to the Executive. The previous occupier of the office met his demise under unclear circumstances.
Siaya Governor James Aggrey Bob Orengo. Photo: The Star
This, however, is a brazen move by Governor Orengo to take over control of two key components of the Siaya economy using legal means.