Police in Bondo sub-county on Monday launched thorough investigations into an incident where an 18-year-old man is reported to have hacked his elder brother to death in a dispute over food.
The Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) candidate at Jaramogi Oginga Odinga secondary school is said to have sharply disagreed with his elder brother identified as Brian Otieno over food before before he descended on him.
Speaking with the media on the incident that has left villagers shocked, Kennedy Amolo, Maranda location Senior Assistant Chief said that the candidate prepared dinner which they happily took together with his brother Brian.
However, after dinner, the suspect is said to have given his little dong whatever had remained and an issue that did not go well with the deceased.
The two are said to have engaged in a serious altercation before the candidate hurriedly picked a panga and hacked his elder brother to death.
The Assistant Chief said that the candidate hacked his elder brother in the neck, killing him on the spot.
Amolo confirmed the incident adding police officers were immediately called and removed Brian’s lifeless body to Bondo sub-county hospital mortuary awaiting a post-mortem scheduled for this week to aid the detectives with their Investigations.