Construction of Siaya Surgical complex which will be a major milestone in the Nyalore administration’s commitment to deliver on the health pillar in the Nyalore nine point agenda is on course with walling of the groundfloor complete ahead of plastering. Formation of first floor beams is is also almost complete .
Once completed early next year,it will be a major game changer in provision of healthcare services .
*Expected benefits of the project include*
– Provision for proper handling and flow of patients, staff, machines, materials, and other commodities.
-Improve infection prevention standards with properly designated and designed infection control inner zones.
-Provision of a conducive working environment that will motivate staff to offer their best services.
-Making the hospital meet the requirement of a standard operating theater needed to offer the highest standards of surgical care for the benefit of residents of Siaya County.
-Reducing waiting time for elective surgeries by providing more -Adequate operating rooms and equipment to conduct concurrent operations for multiple specialists.
-The 10-bed ICU / HDU Unit would allow for progressive demand management with continuous capacity provision with more ICU nurses and equipment based on the Health Department’s ability to staff and equip the Unit with the growing demand.
Overall, the Complex enhances the hospital’s capacity and status hence a boost to making the hospital a fully-fledged Level-5 Hospital.
Complex design
The building will have two floors of about 20 x 45 meters and 3.2 meters ceiling height for the ground floor and 3.5 meters ceiling height for the upper floor due to the ceiling light installations in the theatres.
Departments within the complex
Ground floor: – 10-bed ICU with a reception area, an isolation unit, a nursing station and a pantry, a sterilization unit, a laboratory, a maintenance office, a meeting room, washrooms, a sluice room, storerooms, a lobby, a dirty corridor, and a clean corridor.
First floor: – four theaters with patient preparation rooms, sluice rooms, scrubbing units, changing rooms, a patient holding area, a four-bed Post Anesthesia Care Unit (PACU), a tea room, four office spaces, a nursing station, a reception area, a store, a dirty corridor, and a clean corridor.
—Siaya Governor Press Unit