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At a function held in Seme area of Kisumu County on Boxing Day, Siaya Governor James Aggrey Orengo came under fire for remarks he recently made at a public function.

Mr. Orengo while addressing himself to Gem MP Elisha Odhiambo Akuba had declared that no politician sympathetic to the United Democratic Alliance (UDA) Party would be allowed to address the public in any event he attends in Siaya.

A week later Ugenya MP David Ochieng was disrupted by rowdy youth while addressing a function attended by the Siaya County boss as well as ODM Party leader Raila Amollo Odinga.

Homabay UDA Party Chairman Kennedy Obuya now says Orengo’s utterances are outdated and threaten tranquility in the politics of Siaya.


“It is not the duty of the Governor to choose for Siaya people who speaks and who does not speak at public functions,” said Obuya, adding “As a veteran politician Orengo should know that violence begets violence and ultimately he may be the one that looses. If he feels threatened by the UDA Party popularity in the region maybe it’s time he considered joining UDA as our onslaught will continue unchecked!”.

Mr. Obuya also said that the remarks by Orengo border on incitement and intolerance and should not be allowed.

Obuya said Orengo and his ilk are making such statements to provoke government institutions into taking action, then seek political sympathy from the Luo Nyanza region and incite the public against UDA.

Speaking on behalf of Migori, Siaya and Kisumu UDA officials, Obuya said ODM is threatened by the UDA popularity in the region, thus resorting to dirty tactics.

Obuya, however, maintained that they will remain steadfast and continue with the ongoing registration of party members across the country.

Speaker after speaker at the Seme event pointed a finger of blame at Governor Orengo for inciting youth at the burial last weekend where Ugenya MP David Ochieng and former Rarieda MP Nicholas Gumbo, both allied to UDA, were forcefully ejected.

dalanews.co.ke https://g.page/r/CerTmAWCtzj4EBM/review¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬ÿÛ C

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